14 Henrietta Street | Award-winning Dublin Museum ShopBook Now
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Training the Tour Guides : our new Making a Museum film

Teatime Talk: A Stitch in Time with Orlagh Meegan-Gallagher

Open call for Children’s History and Creative Facilitators for young people

A Stitch in Time: New artwork launched by Lord Mayor of Dublin Emma Blain

Recording: A Stitch in Time with Orlagh Meegan-Gallagher

Recording: Teatime Talk: Dublin's Place in Irish Food History

Recording: Death by Faint Praise: The Life of Alderman Joseph Meade

School Resources at 14 Henrietta Street

A glimpse into 18th Century Dublin - a talk presented in Irish Sign Language with interpretation.

Your Tenement Memories in 2024

Gifts for Christmas

Exploring the fabrics of 14 Henrietta Street


Do you have memories of Dublin’s tenements? Perhaps you lived in a tenement, or knew someone who did. Maybe you worked in or around the tenement buildings. Whatever your connection, we would like to hear your stories.