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Training the Tour Guides : our new Making a Museum film

Open call for Children’s History and Creative Facilitators for young people

Teatime Talk: A Stitch in Time with Orlagh Meegan-Gallagher

Family Workshop: From Tenements to New Homes

Teatime Talk: Paul O'Brien - In Conversation and Song

A Stitch in Time: New artwork launched by Lord Mayor of Dublin Emma Blain

Recording: A Stitch in Time with Orlagh Meegan-Gallagher

Recording: Teatime Talk: Dublin's Place in Irish Food History

Recording: Death by Faint Praise: The Life of Alderman Joseph Meade

Teatime Talk: Unsung Heroes: Soccer Legends of the North Inner-City

School Resources at 14 Henrietta Street

Teatime Talk: Death by Faint Praise: The Life of Alderman Joseph Meade


Do you have memories of Dublin’s tenements? Perhaps you lived in a tenement, or knew someone who did. Maybe you worked in or around the tenement buildings. Whatever your connection, we would like to hear your stories.